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Sunday, December 9, 2007


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Money or Paper???

When a person really becomes successful in his life, earning money no more remains as his priority. A person, who already earned millions in his lifetime, not once but repeatedly for so many times, may not give any importance to the money. Money just becomes like a piece of another paper in the eye of that person. And thats the whole truth. Even if we see money, its nothing more than a piece of paper used to exchange the goods or articles. But if we actually see it, might be the quality-cost-price of my visiting card must be more than the value of a USD 1000 note. And thats a fact!

But still you see the power which a thousand USD note holds, might purchase me those kinda may be a 100,000 of such visiting cards!

Now have you ever imagined that the same note of USD 1000, could feed 10,000 Hungry childerens who have even no access to something like a 'breakfast' or sometimes 'dinner'. Now the same piece of paper actually holds the highest value in that community! And a person, belonging to such community may be very lucky, if he somehow earns even $1000 in a year!

So, the conclusion is, Even the day you become a millionaire, dont forget that your million dollars are mere pieces of papers unless they are used to wipe off the tears of a hungry ones. Always remember, your consumers who are feeding you, are equally eligible to make money. So, never waste your time in doing nothing after earning a big lot. You should be in a position to give it away to as many people as you see.

I hope you really enjoyed watching money to take place of a piece of paper!!!

From: Apurv Soni

Wanna Get More Info, Click Here!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

For A Greater Cause...

Our goal is to feed over 1,000,000 million children within 72 hours.

Started out from 26th May 2007.
In the glory of our normal or luxurious life, Most of the times we forget about those who have never travelled in a car or did not take last meal. They are the real needy people. Now we have an opportunity to make their dreams come true, to provide them meal, to provide them better education.

There are many more great names who have come ahead in order to serve these 1000,000 children. Some of them are

Robert Kiyosaki
Brian Tracy
Harvey Mackay
Jay Abraham
Dr. Joe Vitale
Og Mandino
Armand Morin
Jim Edwards
Dolf de Roos
Mike Litman
Mark Joyner
Mike Filsaime
Tom Beal
Stephen Pierce
Tellman Knudson
And many More...

Please join World Class Gurus Blog, and Stephen’s other great partners, in helping to feed over 1,000,000 children that need our help.

Here’s How You Can Help:

1. Visit the web site at

2. Download the free “Success Report” that will by itself donate a plate of food on your behalf — even if you don’t give one penny of your own money.

3. (Optional) Donate any amount that you’d like. Every single dollar will help. * You get TONS of free business & success audios, videos, and special reports when you donate.

4. Spread the word! Email your ezine lists, post about this on your blog, and feed children that need our help!

World Class Gurus Blog pays you a HUGE THANKS in advance, If you could offer any kind of help to this great Noble cause.

Credit Card Debt Freedom is Possible!!!

Want to get rid of your credit card debt??? I have got something so amazing that the moment you look at it and once understand, You are not only out of Credit Card Debt but also you can make a little money through it!!!

I knew you won't be able to believe. But I have full proofs for you to make you believe in what I am saying!

So comeon man! get started now... what you are waiting for?? Get out of that big trap, that rat race.

Click Here to Reveal the Secrets...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Secret to Making Money On Internet!!!

Ohh my God!! was he really Stephen Pierce?? I cant imagine that! You know, Stephen did a mind blowing event just a few days back! He shared something so powerful that can't be priced in words.

It was a complete two days journey with Stephen. Amazing Man!
He told tht we should create value in order to create Wealth. And he is quite right.

Want to know the other Secret to Discover the thousand of dollars weekly thru internet??? Ready?? Are you really ready??

Should I unreveal wat stephen said??? Ok!

Grab It Here Right Away!!!

Friday, February 2, 2007

"Starting in Real Estates" by Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy is one of the Most Powerful and Established Corporate Coaches of the World. Brian Tracy has taught Millions of people in more than 45 countries globally.
He is opening up his Secrets about Starting in the Real Estates. Its realy a wonderful article whisch reveals few of the best ways to start up and do the right things immediately and also making big money!

Brian Tracy says ”Whenever I take a seminar of say 4 hours, I put My 30 years of expirience in those 4 hours infront of you & why i thank SkyQuestCom is because they have so many Brian Tracys like me!”

Go Thru this article Right Away!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Fresh Quotes from Brian Tracy.

These are really great Quotes from Brian Tracy, The most expensive Biz. guru! Really a nice stuff, n that too for free!
So check it out now... Click Here...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Income Column of Robert Kiyosaki

Want to know the Real Income Column of Wealth Guru Robert Kiyosaki? I know, you want to get it now! So i have already put a link below here where you can go thru it right away...

Click Here for More Details

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Price of being cheap!

Here is What Rich Dad teaches about Why you should not be cheap, even if you lack money. He shares that cutting up your credit cards will never make you rich. He shows other powerful ways to be rich. So read Rich Dad and be rich.
Here it is...

Monday, January 22, 2007

Retire Young, Retire Rich!

Would you mind readin out the first complete chapter of Robert Kiyosaki's Retire Young, Retire Rich???
Ok! I have got it for you. Its really a great book! Wanna read?
Here it goes!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus!

Know what Dr. John Gray says about his Bestseller, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus! Its like giving a core Idea about the whole book! So wanna save time or get addicted! I am sure you would like to read out few paras instead of full Menare from Mars, Women are from Venus. So Check out Dr. John Grays' Point of View!
Just have a look Right Away!
By: Apurv

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Brian Tracy: The Law of Accumulation.

This blog helped me understand a fact much better way. That is, if someone really wish to achieve financial freedom, he has/she has to put numerous small actions to achieve it. But it never happens instantly. Its not a Lottery! Its like make a ocean drop by drop.
Its Here...

Anthony Robbins from the Perspective of Experts.

Here are the few Expert Comments about Anthony Robbins. Check them out Yourself!

Anthony Robbins gives Top 10 reasons for Why people don't get Wealthy.

Anthony Robbins reveals top 10 reasons of peoples' failure. Anthony Robbins reveals few real causes of failure which really hold back most of the people to be successful in their lives. So check out that they must not follow you. It goes here...

Top 10 Lessons from Anthony Robbins.

Anthony Robbins gives top 10 instantly applicabe lessons to transform our lives completely. The kind of secrets Anthony Robbins shares are really somethings which are so practical that can create an instant change to our present condition. So, Have A Look...

Interview with Brian Tracy - I

A recent interview with Brian Tracy. About Brian Tracy's Past, Present and what future does he expect. Its really very-very exciting. I think you must read Brian Tracy's Interview, atleast once. Its Here...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Success and Motivation

Its really a great article written by Mark Cuban. Just read it out! It will help you reflect your character and reality. I think Mark needs big appreciation about what he has learned from Bobby Knight. Its same as what Brian Tracy teaches about. Even i think this article is also bit influenced by Brian Tracy.

So check it out Here... More Details For Further Reference

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dr. John Gray, The Relatioship Guru!

Dr. John Gray is an expert in the field of communication, his focus is to help men and women understand, respect and appreciate their differences in both personal and professional relationships.

Mor Details

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

About Anthony Robbins, World’s #1 Motivational Coach.

Anthony Robbins is considered to be among the Top 10 Human Intellectuals on the earth. His client list includes people like Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandella, Princes Diana, Andre Agasi, Michiel Gourbachob and the US Army etc. He is known to transformed over 30 Million lies around the globe. His organizations take care of 5 Million people.

You can find many more about him, his Books and Video Seminars by clicking below:

More Details

Monday, January 15, 2007

About 'Rich Dad' Person: Robert T. Kiyosaki.

Born and raised in Hawaii, Robert Kiyosaki is a fourth-generation Japanese-American. After graduating from college in New York, Robert joined the Marine Corps and went to Vietnam as an officer and helicopter gunship pilot. Returning from the war, Robert went to work for the Xerox Corporation, and in 1977 started a company that brought the first nylon and Velcro surfer wallets to market. In 1985, he founded an international education company that taught business and investing to tens of thousands of students throughout the world. In 1994, Robert sold his businesses and retired at the age of 47. Shortly afterward, he wrote The New York Times best-seller Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and he created the educational boardgame, CASHFLOW. He currently lives in Phoenix with his wife Kim.

More Details

Friday, January 12, 2007

There is a Bootcamp Man!!!

These are the Pics of the Last Bootcamp!

World's Top 50 Business Gurus Ranking.

Recently, World's top 50 management gurus, according to The Thinkers 50 2005 -- a ranking by the European Foundation for Management Development has been released.

This ranking includes few of the world reknowned Management gurus like Bill Gates, Philip Kotler, C. K. Prahlad, Jack Weltch etc...

More Details

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Welcome to World Class Gurus' Blog...

Now Nothing Can Hold You Back! This is Our Guarantee*.